
ILAS Colloquium 2024 (the 4th)

Date and Hour Tue. October 29, 2024


Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Frontiers of Knowledge Told by Young Researchers”

Lecture  by TOISHIBA Shiho
Lecture  by KIKKAWA Takako
Lecture  by NINOMIYA Kakeru

Q & A + Discussion

TOISHIBA Shiho (Religious Studies), KIKKAWA Takako (Developmental Neuroscience), NINOMIYA Kakeru (Nanomaterials Science), KAWATA Masakado (Evolutionary Biology), SHIZUYA Hiroki (Theoretical Computer Science), TANAKA Hitoshi (Environmental Hydraulics) , HIKASA Ken-ichi (Theory of Elementary Particles), MORIMOTO Koichi (Philosophy of Language) and the participants of the colloquium

MC OZAKI Akihiro (Western Art History)

the 13th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 15, 2024
Place MAIN: M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor / online

Common Theme “Aggression and Conflict in Human Society”

Topic 1 : by UEKI Toshiya (Professor at School of Law)
Topic 2 : by TAMURA Kohei (Associate Professor at Center for Northeast Asian Studies)
Topic 2 : by KAWATA Masakado (President Appointed Professor of ILAS)


UEKI Toshiya (International Law), TAMURA Kohei (Anthropology), KAWATA Masakado (Evolutionary Biology), OZAKI Akihiro (History of Art), SHIZUYA Hiroki (Theoretical Computer Science), TANAKA Hitoshi (Environmental Hydraulics), HIKASA Ken-ichi (Physics: theory of elementary particles), and the participants of the seminar

MC MORIMOTO Koichi (Philosophy of Language)

ILAS Colloquium 2023 (the 3rd)

Date and Hour lecture online: Mon. October 2 – Mon. November 13, 2023
Q & A + discussion: Tue. November 14, 2023 [16:20-17:50]
Place Q & A + Discussion: M206 / online

Common Theme “Frontiers of Knowledge Told by Young Researchers”

Lecture  by Reina AKAMA
Lecture  by Wakana OISHI
Lecture  by Jamie M. KASS
Lecture  by Kennosuke MOTEGI

Q & A + Discussion

Reina AKAMA (Natural Language Processing), Wakana OISHI (Sanitary Environmental Engineering), Jamie M. KASS (Macroecology), Kennosuke MOTEGI (Studies of Culture and Representation; Modern Cultural History of Japan), Ken-ichi HIKASA (Theory of Elementary Particles), Akihiro OZAKI (Western Art History), Hitoshi TANAKA (Environmental Hydraulics),  Masakado KAWATA (Evolutionary Biology), Hiroki SHIZUYA (Theoretical Computer Science), and the participants of the colloquium

MC Koichi MORIMOTO (Philosophy of Language)

the 12th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 17, 2023
Place MAIN: M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor / online

Common Theme “SDGs and Tohoku University’s Challenge; Diversity”

Topic 1 : by Satoshi CHIBA (Director / Professor at Center for Northeast Asian Studies)
Topic 2 : by Noriko Osumi (Professor at School of Medicine)
Topic 2 : by Koichi MORIMOTO (President Appointed Professor of ILAS)


Satoshi CHIBA (Ecology and environmental science), Noriko Osumi (Developmental Neuroscience), Koichi MORIMOTO (Theory of Literature), Hitoshi TANAKA (Environmental Hydraulics), Ken-ichi HIKASA (Physics: theory of elementary particles), and the participants of the seminar

MC Akihiro OZAKI (History of Art)

ILAS Colloquium 2022 (the 2nd)

Date and Hour lecture online: Mon. October 3 – Mon. November 14, 2022
panel discussion: Tue. November 15, 2021 [16:20-17:50]
Place Q & A + Discussion: M206 / online

Common Theme “Frontiers of Knowledge Told by Young Researchers”

Lecture  by Takashi ARAI
Lecture  by Masaki OKUMURA
Lecture  by Kohei SHIMOKAWA
Lecture  by Kohei ICHIKAWA

Q & A + Discussion

Takashi ARAI (Psychology), Masaki OKUMURA (Structual Biology/Biochemistry), Kohei SHIMOKAWA (Materials Science), Kohei ICHIKAWA (Astronomy),  Ken-ichi HIKASA (Theory of Elementary Particles), Akihiro OZAKI (Western Art History), Hitoshi TANAKA (Environmental Hydraulics), Koichi MORIMOTO (Philosophy of Language) and the participants of the colloquium

MC Kensaku MIZUNO (Molecular Cell Biology)

the 11th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 18, 2022
Place online

Common Theme “SDGs and Tohoku University’s Challenge; Climate Change”

Topic 1 : by Kiwamu MINAMISAWA (Specially Appointed Professor at Graduate School of Life Sciences, Research Professor of Tohoku University)
Topic 2 : by Hitoshi TANAKA (President Appointed Professor of ILAS)
Topic 2 : by Akihiro OZAKI (President Appointed Professor of ILAS)


Kiwamu MINAMISAWA (Soil Microbiology), Hitoshi TANAKA (Environmental Hydraulics), Kensaku MIZUNO (Molecular cell biology), Ken-ichi HIKASA (Physics: theory of elementary particles), Koichi MORIMOTO (Theory of Literature) and the participants of the seminar

MC Ken-ichi HIKASA

ILAS Colloquium 2021 (old: Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors)

Date and Hour lecture online: Mon. October 11 – Sun. November 14, 2021
panel discussion: Mon. November 15, 2021 [14:40-16:10]
Place Q & A + Discussion: M206 / online

Common Theme “My Exciting Research: Challenging the Unexplored”

Lecture  by Hiroshi UENO
Lecture  by Kaoru KAKINUMA
Lecture  by Kyoko CHIBA
Lecture  by Masaki YAMADA

Q & A + Discussion

Hiroshi UENO (Nanomaterials Chemistry), Kaoru KAKINUMA (Environmental Studies), Kyoko CHIBA (Biological Chemistry), Masaki YAMADA (Cosmology), Kensaku MIZUNO (Molecular Cell Biology), Ken-ichi HIKASA (Theory of Elementary Particles), Akihiro OZAKI (Art History/Theory of Art/Japan Studies), and the participants of the colloquium

MC Iwayumi SUZUKI (Religious Studies/Thanatology)

the 10th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 12, 2021
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor / web

Common Theme “Pandemic”

Topic 1 : by  Hitoshi OSHITANI (Professor at Graduate School of Medicine)
Topic 2 : by Hirotsugu TAKIZAWA (Director of ILAS, Director of IEHE)


Hitoshi OSHITANI (Virology/Epidemiology of viral infections), Hirotsugu TAKIZAWA (Functional inorganic materials chemistry), Iwayumi SUZUKI (Religious folklore/Thanatology), Kensaku MIZUNO (Molecular cell biology), and the participants of the seminar


the 12th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour lecture on line: Mon. November 2 – Sun. December 6, 2020panel discussion: Mon. December 7, 2020 [14:40-16:10]
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor / web

Common Theme “Live in the Present, Live Tomorrow”

Lecture  by Yusuke MINEGISHI
Lecture  by Izumi MATSUDAIRA
Lecture  by Yuta NAKAYASU
Lecture  by Kenji TOMA
Summery and Lecture  by Izumi TAKAGI


Yusuke MINEGISHI (Philosophy), Izumi MATSUDAIRA (Brain Science), Yuta NAKAYASU (Environmental Science), Kenji TOMA (Astrophysics), Izumi TAKAGI (Mathematics/Mathematical Biology), Reiko MIYAOKA (Mathematics/Differential Geometry), Iwayumi SUZUKI (Religious Folklore/Thanatology), Kensaku MIZUNO(Molecular Cell BIology), and the participants of the joint seminar

MC Hitoshi YONEKURA (Development Economics/Area Studies)

the 11th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Mon. November 18, 2019
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Diversity and the Modern Age”

Lecture  by Masakado KAWATA
Lecture  by Yoshimichi SATO
Lecture  by Yutaka ZAKOTA


Masakado KAWATA (Evolutionary Biology/Ecology), Yoshimichi SATO (Behavioral Science/ Social Capital Theory), Yutaka ZAKOTA (Philorophy), Reiko MIYAOKA (Mathematics/Differential Geometry), Hitoshi YONEKURA (Development Economics/Area Studies), Iwayumi SUZUKI (Religious Folklore/Thanatology), Tomoyuki YAMAYA(Plant Molecular Physiology), Kensaku MIZUNO(Molecular Cell BIology), and the participants of the joint seminar

MC Izumi TAKAGI (Mathematics/Mathematical Biology)

the 9th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 8, 2019
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “GLOBAL WARMING; fake news or …?”

Topic 1 : by Kimio HANAWA (Professor Emeritus, the Last Director of ILAS)
Topic 2 : by Tomoyuki YAMAYA (President-appointed Extraordinary Professor at ILAS)
Topic 3 : by Jusen ASUKA (Professor at Center for Northeast Asian Studies)

Panel Discussion

Kimio HANAWA (Physical Oceanography), Tomoyuki YAMAYA (Plant Molecular Physiology), Jusen ASUKA (Environmental Policy), Yutaka ZAKOTA (Philosophy), Reiko MIYAOKA(Differential Geometry), Iwayumi SUZUKI (Religious Folklore/Thanatology), Kensaku MIZUNO (Molecular Cell Biology), and the participants of the seminar

MC Hitoshi YONEKURA (Development Economics/Area Studies)

the 10th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Mon. November 12, 2018
Place 203 and 204; Multidisciplinary Research Building (International Humanities) 2nd Floor, Kawauchi-Minami Campus

Common Theme “Living through the Turning Point”

Lecture  by Tomoyuki Yamaya
Lecture  by Takami Yamaguchi
Lecture  by Kensaku Mizuno
Lecture  by Keiichi Noe


Tomoyuki Yamaya(Plant Molecular Physiology), Takami Yamaguchi(Biomedical Engineering), Kensaku Mizuno(Molecular Cell BIology), Keiichi Noe(Philosophy), Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy), Reiko Miyaoka (Mathematics/Differential Geometry), Hitoshi Yonekura (Development Economics/Area Studies),  and the participants of the joint seminar

MC Iwayumi Suzuki(Religious Folklore/Thanatology)

the 8th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 9, 2018
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “Role of Liberal Arts in the AI Era”

Topic 1 : by Takeshi Tokuyama (Professor at Graduate School of Information Sciences)
Topic 2 : by Izumi Takagi (President-appointed Extraordinary Professor at ILAS)

Panel Discussion

Takeshi Tokuyama (Computer Science), Izumi Takagi (Mathematics/Mathematical Biology), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy), Takami Yamaguchi (Biomedical Engineering), Hitoshi Yonekura (Development Economics/Area Studies), Tomoyuki Yamaya (Plant Molecular Physiology), and the participants of the seminar

MC Reiko Miyaoka (Mathematics/Differential Geometry)

the 9th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Mon. November 20, 2017
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Scientize Death and Life”

Lecture  by Iwayumi Suzuki
Lecture  by Koji Tamura
Lecture  by Tetsuto Shimizu


Iwayumi Suzuki (Religious Folklore/Thanatology), Koji Tamura (Developmental Biology), Tetsuro Shimizu (Philosophy/Thanatology), Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering), Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy), Takami Yamaguchi (Biomedical Engineering), Izumi Takagi (Mathematics/Mathematical Biology), Reiko Miyaoka (Mathematics/Differential Geometry), Hitoshi Yonekura (Development Economics/Area Studies), Tomoyuki Yamaya (Plant Molecular Physiology), and the participants of the joint seminar

MC Keiichi Noe (Philosophy)

the 7th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 10, 2017
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “What ‘Useful’ means for Learning”

Topic 1 : by Taro Igarashi (Professor at Graduate School of Engineering)
Topic 2 : by Marika Uchida (Writer) invited speaker
Topic 3 : by Hitoshi Yonekura (President-appointed Extraordinary Professor at ILAS)

Panel Discussion

Taro Igarashi (Architectural History/Design), Marika Uchida (Science Communication), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering), Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy), Reiko Miyaoka (Differential Geometry), and the participants of the seminar

MC Takami Yamaguchi (Biomedical Engineering)

the 8th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. July 14, 2016
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “University Reform and Cultural Education: Are Humanities Unnecessary?”

Lecture  by Keiichi Noe
Lecture  by Reiko Miyaoka
Lecture  by Takami Yamaguchi


Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Reiko Miyaoka (Differential Geometry), Takami Yamaguchi (Biomedical Engineering), Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering), Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy), Izumi Takagi (Mathematics/Mathematical Biology), Hitoshi Yonekura (Development Economics/Area Studies), and the participants of the joint seminar

MC Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics)

the 6th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 11, 2016
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “Intercultural Understanding and Cultural Education: the Ability through Study Abroad”

Topic 1 : by Toshikazu Ishida (Professor at Graduate School of Engineering)
Topic 2 : by Motoko Kotani (Professor at Graduate School of Science/Director of AIMR)
Topic 3 : by Yutaka Zakota (President-appointed Extraordinary Professor at ILAS)

Panel Discussion

Toshikazu Ishida(Architectural History/Design), Motoko Kotani (Mathematics), Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Takami Yamaguchi (Biomedical Engineering), and the participants of the seminar

MC Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering)

the 7th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. July 28, 2015
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Love and Life, as Essential Basis of Liberal Arts; Feeling Is-This-Love to Life with a Baby”

Lecture “Always Working as Hard as I Can” by Mami Tanaka
Lecture “What I’ve Learned through Childcare, but wasn’t been Taught at Schools” by Takashi Hata
Lecture “Love and Life, Their Biological Origin and Social Consequenses” by Takami Yamaguchi


Mami Tanaka (Medical Welfare Engineering/Biomechatronics), Takashi Hata (Higher Education), Takami Yamaguchi (Biomedical Engineering), Yasuo Morita (Mathematics/Mathematical Education), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering), and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Yutaka Zakota (Philosophy)

the 5th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 13, 2015
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “Liberal Arts Education in the Age of Earth-shaking Change”

Topic 1 “The Way to Lead Your Life Outstanding through the Power of Liberal Arts Education” by Akira Ando
Topic 2 “Liberal Arts Education for Developing Imagination” by Atsuko Tsuji
Topic 3 “For Liberal Arts Education that I Have Been Working” by Akihiko Kudo

Panel Discussion

Akira Ando (Plasma Physics and Technology), Atsuko Tsuji (Science Journalist), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Kimio Hanawa (Physical Oceanography), Yasuo Morita (Mathematics/Mathmatics Education), Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering), and the participants of the seminar

MC Keiichi Noe (Philosophy)

the 6th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. July 15, 2014
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Environment and Humans”

Lecture “Global Warming: Human-caused Climate Change” by Kimio Hanawa
Lecture “Residential Indoor Environment related to Global Warming Issue” by Hiroshi Yoshino
Lecture “Social Dilemma in Environmental Problems” by Michio Umino


Kimio Hanawa (Physical Oceanography), Hiroshi Yoshino (Building Environment Engineering), Michio Umino (Sociology), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Yasuo Morita (Mathematics/Mathmetics Education)

the 4th Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 7, 2014
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “Reconstructing Liberal Arts Education in the Era of Globalization: A Challenge by Tohoku University”

Topic 1 “Aim of Revolution of General Education” by Kimio Hanawa
Topic 2 “What is Expected of Liberal Arts Education: Viewed from a Journalist” by Yoshihisa Nishikawa
Topic 3 “Philosophizing Liberal Arts Education” by Keiichi Noe

Panel Discussion

Kimio Hanawa (Physical Oceanography), Yoshihisa Nishikawa (Journalist), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Yasuo Morita (Mathmatics), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), and the participants of the seminar

MC Takashi Sekiuchi (European History)

the 5th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. October 22, 2013
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Why Do You Study Liberal Arts? ―To Prepare Yourself for Work?”

Lecture “Fundamentals of Career Path Selection: Japanese Employment System and Higher Education” by Toshiyuki Inomata
Lecture “Liberal Arts Education for Fostering Global Talents” by Hiroshi Fukunishi
Lecture “What Do Liberal Arts Have To Do With Job Hunting?” by Keiichi Noe


Toshiyuki Inomata (Sociology of Education), Hiroshi Fukunishi (Space Physics), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), Hiromichi Ebisawa (Physics), Yasuo Morita (Mathematics/Mathematics Education), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Hajime Fukuchi (English Linguistics), and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Tadahiko Mae (Plant Science)

the 3rd Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 8, 2013
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “Tohoku University’s Challenge: Liberal Arts Education in the Global Era”

Topic 1 “General Education in Tohoku University” by Kimio Hanawa
Topic 2 “Focusing on Using Our Knowledge for Reconstruction” by Nobuyoshi Hara
Topic 3 “Liberal Arts in the Global Era” by Yasuo Morita

Panel Discussion

Kimio Hanawa (Physical Oceanography), Nobuyoshi Hara (Materials Science), Yasuo Morita (Mathematic), Hiromichi Ebisawa (Physics), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Tadahiko Mae (Plant Science), Hiroshi Fukunishi (Space Physics), Hajime Fukuchi (English Linguistics), Keiichi Noe (Philosophy), and the participants of the seminar

MC Takashi Sekiuchi (European History)

the 4th Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. October 30, 2012
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “Targets of Tohoku University’s Liberal Arts Education after 3.11 Disaster in Japan”

Lecture “An Integrated Ability Cultivated by the General Education Program” by Tadahiko Mae
Lecture “Culture as a Sense” by Hajime Fukuchi
Lecture “Developing the Capability and Skills to Collaborate across Various Scientific Fields” by Hiroshi Fukunishi


Hiromichi Ebisawa, Yasuo Morita, and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Akihiko Kudo

the 2nd Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. April 9, 2012
Place Kawauchi Hagi Hall

Common Theme “What is the Liberal Arts? –Issues for Students of Tohoku University—”

Topic 1 “Liberal Arts in Tohoku University” by Akihiro Kijima
Topic 2 “English for Liberal Arts” by Teruo Asakawa
Topic 3 “Modern Society and Liberal Arts” by Hiromichi Ebisawa

Panel Discussion

Akihiro Kijima (Applied Marine Biology), Teruo Asakawa (English Linguistics), Hiromichi Ebisawa (Physics), Yasuo Morita (Mathematics), Akihiko Kudo (Agricultural Economics), Tadahiko Mae (Plant Science), and the participants of the seminar

MC Takashi Sekiuchi (European History)

the 3rd Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. November 1, 2011
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “The Great East Japan Earthquake”

Lecture “Unexpected Huge Tsunami and the Accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant” by Yasuo Morita
Lecture “Salt Stress and Radioactive Contamination in Crop Plants” by Tadahiko Mae
Lecture “Logic of the Reconstruction from the Viewpoint of the Marginal Area” by Akihiko Kudo


Yasuo Morita, Tadahiko Mae, Akihiko Kudo, and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Hiromichi Ebisawa

the 1st Special Seminar on the Liberal Arts and General Science Education

Date and Hour Mon. May 9, 2011
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “What is the Liberal Arts?―Issues for Students of Tohoku University–”

Topic 1 “History of the Liberal Arts Education” by Yasuo Morita
Topic 2 “Physics and Studying General Science” by Hiromichi Ebisawa
Topic 3 “Three Layers of Liberal Arts” by Akihiko Kudo

Panel Discussion

Akihiro Kijima, Katsutoshi Mizuhara, Yasuo Morita, Hiromichi Ebisawa, Akihiko Kudo, and the participants of the seminar

MC Takashi Sekiuchi

the 2nd Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. December 21,2010
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “What is the Liberal Arts?―Issues for Students of Tohoku University–”

Lecture “Past and Present of the Liberal Arts Education” by Yasuo Morita
Lecture “Politics and Liberal Arts” by Kunichika Yagyu
Lecture “Liberal Arts from the Perspective of Agricultural Economics” by Akihiko Kudo


Yasuo Morita, Kunichika Yagyu, Akihiko Kudo, Yukio Akiba, Hiromichi Ebisawa, and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Michio Umino

the 1st Joint Lecture of Integrated Subjects by President-appointed Professors

Date and Hour Tue. October 26, 2010
Place M206; Multimedia Education and Research Complex 2nd Floor

Common Theme “On Human Beings Who Eat, Study and Act“

Lecture “Human Beings Eat” by Yukio Akiba
Lecture “Human Beings Study” by Hiromichi Ebisawa
Lecture “Human Beings Act” by Michio Umino


Yukio Akiba, Hiromichi Ebisawa, Michio Umino, Kunichika Yagyu, Akihiko Kudo, and the participants of the joint lecture

MC Yasuo Morita